Sunday, November 26, 2006

Naked Baby Pic!


We finally bought a new camera to replace the one that was stolen, so we can take pictures again! Here's the first.

Somebody told me it wouldn't snow in Vancouver. They lied. We've had nearly 20 cm since last night. It's been fun! 

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Friday, November 10, 2006


We had to get the windshield replaced in the car. See, BC won't let you insure an out-of-province car without an inspection, and a broken windshield is an automatic fail, and our windshield was broken. Bummer.

So Holly called a local Kia dealer, since our car is a Kia, and was quoted around $600 for the replacement (WHAT???). The rep suggested that she try getting other prices, however, so that's what she did. Next place, $700!!! After that, $300. Hoooooold on, that's, like, half! Ohhh, this person says that the other quotes were probably ICBC rates -- the rate you pay if insurance is covering it. Holls called one more person, and got a quote for just over $200!!! And this guy came and replaced the windshield IN OUR DRIVEWAY!

I just don't get it. If my windshield can be replaced for under $300, where do those other companies get off ripping us off? Because that's what they're doing. Just because insurance pays for it, they think they can get away with robbery? Jerks.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Welcome to Vancouver, Suckers!


Our house was broken into last Friday. Thankfully (for the thief), we weren't home, but they got away with both of our flat screen monitors, our CD collection, our digital camera (with O's first Halloween pictures!!!), and some other odds and ends. We haven't even lived here long enough to feel like somebody broke into "our" home!

Other than that, things are great out here. A bit wet, but we're not made of sugar, and I don't have to shovel it! I'm getting used to riding to work and to pick up O after at daycare, and am settling in a bit more at work. The people I've met are all great, and the work is really interesting.

O is a walking machine, and he's taken an interest in having stories read to him. Once we start that little activity, we can be at it for quite a while, and we usually read 4 or 5 books in a sitting (or read 1 book 4 times in a row... what fun!). He's really starting to develop his own personality... somewhere between shit-disturber and cutie-pie. And sometimes both. He enjoys rough-housing, loves bath-time, and is pretty happy as long as he gets his way!