Sunday, October 30, 2005

What's in a name?

Oliver Neil Gibson. Where does this name come from?

Oliver is a name that Holly and I both love, and it has been at the top of our list since before Holly was pregnant. We happen to live in the Oliver neighborhood at the moment, but that's purely coincidental.

Oliver is of French origin, and signifies the olive tree. The biblical olive tree symbolizes fruitfulness and beauty and dignity. Extending an olive branch signifies an offer of peace.

Neil is Holly's grandpa's name. We wanted a namesake that would be special for both of us. Neil is a wonderful man who we both love dearly, and who has made me feel especially welcome in Holly's family. We are looking forward to spending lots of time at their home with Oliver.

Neil is Celtic, and means champion.

A few non-linear thinkers (which I can non longer claim to be) have pointed out that Oliver Niel shortens quite conveniently to O.Neil. Holly and I work for O'Neill O'Neill Procinsky Architects. O.Neil is not intentional; in fact we didn't notice it until somebody else pointed it out. However, since we met at the office, it seems very appropriate.

We haven't settled on a nickname yet. Candidates include O, Oli, and Ollie right now. There's already an O in the family (Hi Owen!!), so we might be moving towards a Big-O and Little-O. Time will tell.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

We're home!

We're home, and everyone is healthy. I'll post a report once we're settled.

Visitors must bring food.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Day One Summary

Oliver is awesome. I could leave it at that, but here're some details. We tried to get him breastfeeding. He's latching (sort of) sometimes, and we're working on the sucking part. He's still feeling the effects of the epidural and general anaesthetic that Holly had yesterday, so he slept through most of the day. We should be so lucky. We had a few visitors, and hopefully we'll have some more. Ollie's sleeping in the nursery again tonight, and I'm at home to try to get a good night's rest. We won't be able to use the nursery after tonight, so I'll be at the hospital for the rest of the week. I'll try to get another update through the week though.

Holly will be in the hospital until Saturday, so there's plenty of time for anyone that wants to drop by. There's no way to get ahold of us at the moment, but I should have my cell on me by later tomorrow. Please phone before you come (unless I've already spoken to you), since the room is small and Holly needs all the rest she can get. If you drop by unannounced, you might have to wait a while for someone else to leave or for the new family to finish napping, feeding, or just being alone.

Birth Story

Holly's water broke monday morning. She had light contractions all day monday, and we went to the hospital at about 10:00 monday night. They admitted Holly, but since there were no private rooms available they put her in the induction suite for the night.

They were planning to induce Holly on tuesday morning, but she went into labour on her own at about 5:30 am. Rebecca (our doula) and I had gone home to get a good night's rest, so we both arrived back at the hospital between 6:30 and 7:00 am. Holly was having pretty good contractions, and they got much stronger throughout the morning.

Early in the afternoon she decided that she wanted an epidural, and that helped her manage the pain and get some rest. By about 7:00 (I think), she was dialated, but the baby was pretty high up, and he was facing front insteaad of backwards. We tried to get Holly to push him to see if that would help him turn over, but his great big head got jammed up on Holly's pelvic bone. The doc didn't think that she would be able to safely get him through, and since Holly's temp was rising along with O's heartbeat, we decided it was time for a C-Section.

Holly went into the OR at about 12:15, and Oliver came out at about 1:00. Holly was recovered by abot 2:00, so we hung out in the room for a while and got Oliver to latch. He spent the night in the nursery, Holly spent the night sleeping (I hope), and I came home to prepare for the coming week.

I'm off to the hospital now. If anyone that I haven't already spoken to  wishes to visit, please give us a day or two first. Thanks!

Another pic

Here's another pic before I crash.

Also, some spammers have found this site. Spammers suck, and unfortunately this is a PITA for everyone else. If you want to comment now, you'll need to type some letters in to verify that you are a person and not a computer (or at least that you're a smart enough computer to be my friend). If that' wasn't funny, too bad. I'm tired. Goodnight.

It's a boy!

Oliver Neil Gibson
October 26, 2005 at 00:43 hrs
7 lb 4.5 oz
20 "

More to follow.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I'm back home

We took Holly to the hospital at about 10:00 this evening. She's 1 cm dialated, posterior (station 2, whatever that means), and had no contractions after we got into the assesment room. She's been admitted, but since there're no open beds, she's sharing a suite. That means that I sleep in our bed tonight and go back in the morning -- unless I get a phone call sooner. I need to sleep.

Monday, October 24, 2005

We're leaving!!!

We're on our way to the hosptial now... not much is happening. The contractions are 9-15 minutes apart still, but we've been sitting around for about 8 hour and need a change of scenery. Hopefully the next post will have a name and weight attached to it!

Hurry up and wait...

OK, so here's the deal. Holly called me at work at about 10:30 to say her water broke (it actualy broke before I left for work, but she wasn't sure). I was in a meeting, so I finished that up, and took care of some paperwork that had to be dealt with while I was away, then left. Now we're both home, and Rebecca wil be on her way over soon, so we're just waiting for the contractions to pick up. We'll probably sit back, relax, watch a movie, and hang out for a few hours. I'll post again before we leave for the hospital!

It's coming!!!

Holly's water broke. I'm taking off from work now, and will be busy for the next 18 years. Keep checking back here for updates!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I have my life back...

... for now.

The proposal for MacEwan went in on the 23rd. I wish I could say more (and I will when we get it), but for now just believe that we worked our assets off for this building. If the college decides to go with our proposal, Edmonton will get a world-class piece of Architecture that we can all be proud of.

In other news, Holly and I have finished our pre-natal classes, so now we're just waiting. It's funny. The first 8 months flew by so fast that I have a hard time remembering everthing that has happened (no doubt, partly because I was so engrossed at work). This past couple of weeks has really dragged, though. We're both anxious to meet our son, and can't wait for those first few days of learning how to care for him.

I'm heading to Orlando, Florida at the end of November for an Autodesk conference. I'm a little nervous about leaving Holly and the baby so soon, but this is an opportunity that I can't pass up.

That's about it.

I'll bite...

I've been tagged by Dan and Carmen. What the hell is tagged?

Here is the deal:
1. Go into your archive.
2. Find your 23rd post. (I only have 14!!!)
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. Tag five other people to do the same. (I'm skipping this step, since I don't know 5 other people with blogs!)

I only have 14 posts, but that's OK, since the 5th sentence is this: "(AVERAGE!!???!!)"