Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Birth Story

Holly's water broke monday morning. She had light contractions all day monday, and we went to the hospital at about 10:00 monday night. They admitted Holly, but since there were no private rooms available they put her in the induction suite for the night.

They were planning to induce Holly on tuesday morning, but she went into labour on her own at about 5:30 am. Rebecca (our doula) and I had gone home to get a good night's rest, so we both arrived back at the hospital between 6:30 and 7:00 am. Holly was having pretty good contractions, and they got much stronger throughout the morning.

Early in the afternoon she decided that she wanted an epidural, and that helped her manage the pain and get some rest. By about 7:00 (I think), she was dialated, but the baby was pretty high up, and he was facing front insteaad of backwards. We tried to get Holly to push him to see if that would help him turn over, but his great big head got jammed up on Holly's pelvic bone. The doc didn't think that she would be able to safely get him through, and since Holly's temp was rising along with O's heartbeat, we decided it was time for a C-Section.

Holly went into the OR at about 12:15, and Oliver came out at about 1:00. Holly was recovered by abot 2:00, so we hung out in the room for a while and got Oliver to latch. He spent the night in the nursery, Holly spent the night sleeping (I hope), and I came home to prepare for the coming week.

I'm off to the hospital now. If anyone that I haven't already spoken to  wishes to visit, please give us a day or two first. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! The pictures are great, Oliver looks perfect - pink and round. All the best to you. I know the next few weeks are a bit of an adjustment but it is amazing how much they change in a couple of weeks! Enjoy everything, the love and the challenges! They change us forever -- and certainly for the better.


Dan said...

Glad to hear everybody seems to be doing well despite the complications!

Oliver does indeed look to be a perfect little wonder. Too bad they can't stay that way! ;)

If either of you need anything, we'd be glad to help out!

Anonymous said...

I was glad to hear that things went well. It seems that guys got the leftover hospital time that Ally and I didn't use! Remember, we had 3 hours from the first contraction before Teagan was born.
I can't wait to meet the new O.Niel! I am sure that he will be as amazing as his parents.

Kyle and Ally