Big News!
For anyone who just wants to know how Oliver's doing, skip the next few paragraphs! ;)
I've accepted a development position with Electronic Arts in Burnaby, BC! It's been in the works for a while, so I apologize to all my friends who were in the dark about this. I've been trying to keep it fairly low-key in case it didn't pan out.
We're moving right after (Canadian) Thanksgiving, and I start around the middle of October. So the house is up for sale (after living in it for what, three months?), I've quit ONPA (more on that below), and we're gearing up for some major changes (as though the last year was pretty mellow)!
I gave notice at ONPA on Tuesday, and it was one of the more difficult days I've had in a long time. They have been incredibly good to me over the years, and I'm going to miss them a lot. But the fact of the matter is that this is an opportunity that is too good to pass up, so the decision to leave, although difficult to come to terms with, was almost inevitable.
Oliver is excited about the move (if you skipped the stuff above, you might want to read it now). At least he would be, if he knew what was going on! But the past week hasn't been all that great, as far as he's concerned. He started daycare last Monday, and inevitably caught some sort of bug. He was in a foul mood for a few days, then he got downright grouchy, and then he turned into the tired, sad, cuddly baby that nobody knows him to be. So, off to the doctor, where we learned that he had an ear infection and a touch of pneumonia (spell check is a wonderful thing). A couple of days of antibiotics seem to have got things on track again, so he's back in day care and ready to catch something new!
He's pretty close to walking. In fact, although I didn't witness it, he apparently took a couple of tentative steps this evening.
I'm sure there's more, but the EA and Burnaby have pretty much grabbed all of my thought cycles lately, so that's it for now.
1 comment:
Congrats on the EA job, you lucky duck! Wish I was as lucky... :(
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