And what a week it's been! First some background.
After getting the position at EA, Holls and I came out to Van to find a place to live. We lucked out and found a place about 5 minutes from the (incredible) office, near a shopping centre, library, and Skytrain station, and not to close to any hookers! That set the stage for us to move out here, so we got everything coordinated and sent our stuff on its merry way. We drove to Burnaby via Calgary (2 nights) and Kewlona (2 more nights) so that O wouldn't spend too much time in the car all at once, and that seemed to work out OK.
The movers came Friday before Thanksgiving to pack, and Saturday they showed up to load us up. After they were done, I locked up our house in Edmonton for the last time and hit the road to meet up with Holls, O, and my family in Calgary for Thanksgiving. Long story short, we had a great mini-vacation on our way out here.
When we got to the Vancouver area, we stayed at a hotel in Surrey (big mistake, but not because of the gunfire... just the commute), and I drove the 15 minute drive (it took over an hour) the next morning to meet the movers at the house. They were unloaded and out of our hair in a mere 3 hours, which seems pretty quick. Thus began our life in Vancouver.
The next couple days were spent convincing ourselves that we'd made the right decision when we left everyone behind in Edmonton to give it a go out here. Granville Island helped us come to terms with that, and as the days pass we get more and more comfortable here. The fact the there's no snow, and that I wore shorts last night, doesn't hurt...
Since we left, O has started to turn into a little boy! He's started to take some cautious steps, and walking can't be far behind. He also had a bout of pink-eye, which he kindly passed on to Holy after a couple of days. I thought I'd dodged the bullet until this morning, when I woke up unable to open my eyes. Sitting in front of a computer all day with sore eyes really sucks.
On that note, I started work yesterday, and am looking forward to working on lots of things that I'm not allowed to talk about, but are interesting nonetheless. EA seems to be a pretty decent company, and time will tell how much I enjoy it, but for now I'm pretty excited!
Holly found a day home for O fairly close to home and on the way to work for her. Since that was the last real hurdle to getting settled for the time being, we should be able to enjoy the city without worrying for a while.
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