Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I have my life back...

... for now.

The proposal for MacEwan went in on the 23rd. I wish I could say more (and I will when we get it), but for now just believe that we worked our assets off for this building. If the college decides to go with our proposal, Edmonton will get a world-class piece of Architecture that we can all be proud of.

In other news, Holly and I have finished our pre-natal classes, so now we're just waiting. It's funny. The first 8 months flew by so fast that I have a hard time remembering everthing that has happened (no doubt, partly because I was so engrossed at work). This past couple of weeks has really dragged, though. We're both anxious to meet our son, and can't wait for those first few days of learning how to care for him.

I'm heading to Orlando, Florida at the end of November for an Autodesk conference. I'm a little nervous about leaving Holly and the baby so soon, but this is an opportunity that I can't pass up.

That's about it.


Dan said...

Sneaky Devil!

Your blog is written to prevent google from indexing it! No wonder we couldn't find it. Would you like us to remove you from our list of links too?

Tim Gibson said...

Hmmm... I didn't even no that I could do that. Keep the link, I'll see if I can fix the google blocker.